Hello, Internet! I’m returning to this blog after a two-year hiatus. I stopped posting for many reasons—some of them too personal to share here—but one of the biggest was a lack of direction, as far as blogging is concerned. To be honest, I’m still struggling with the question of what I want this blog to be. I’m an aspiring writer, and this is my professional website. But I don’t want to lecture fellow writers about the writing process… I’m still learning, and other writers give better advice about it than I can. I also don’t want to post too much about my daily experiences. My life is pretty boring, generally. I drink tea and I edit manuscripts. Not exactly post-worthy stuff.
But I do want to talk about stories. Stories are what excite me, what inspire me. I became a writer because of my love for fiction, and narrative in general. I’ve loved stories since I was a kid, and they define me—who I have been, who I am now, and who I want to become someday.
So I want to talk about why I love stories, and how I came to love them. I want to talk about my experiences with story—as a girl, as a geek, and as a writer. In the process, I hope to take a few trips down memory lane, and by exploring my own journey with story, become more enlightened about my views on it.
Most of all, I hope it will be interesting—both to myself, and any readers out there who might be curious.
Well, here’s hoping!